lets talk about your specialness

Dr. Wilder says, "I know most people don't feel special, many feel more special than they deserve and that people have gotten lots of healing and may yet not feel special." Dr. Wilder will address your specialness in this audio presentation.

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a strategy for dealing with narcissists

Dealing with people can be difficult, especially if they are narcissistic! In this audio, Dr. Jim Wilder will cover topics related to narcissists, their behavior and how you can help.

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As we mature, we gain the ability to care for others, but skill is needed to help others assess their maturity level, and we need understanding as to our role in helping them reach the next level. Sage advice from Dr. Jim Wilder is packed inside this presentation.

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Dr. Jim Wilder, Life Model’s Chief Theoretician, helps you know how to honestly assess where you are on the map of maturity and steps on how to develop further.

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According to Dr. Jim Wilder, maturity means we are fully developed for our age. Sadly, many of us lag far behind the optimum maturity for our age and we don't understand what it takes to become mature or help others reach maturity.

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Dr. Jim Wilder and Dr. Karl Lehman answer these key questions: - What is the Life Model? - What are the 3 distinct elements of the Life Model? - What is the Immanuel Approach? - How is the Immanuel Approach effective in helping people recover and/or heal from trauma? - What are Immanuel Centered Relationships?

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What does a relationally-skilled leader look like? How does a leader with high emotional capacity act? Are discoveries in brain-science and emotional maturity keys to the development of rare communities where people are trustworthy, spread joy, and are genuinely engaged in one another’s lives?

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Bah, humbug, who needs joy?! What's the difference between joy holidays? Or, if relationships are strained and broken, how can I/we even hope to experience joy as a couple/family? How can I return to joy after an upsetting holiday experience?

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If there is anything to know about Christianity, most people believe they already know it. Many of those same people continue to struggle to “get it to work right.” There is a persistent disconnect and dysfunction, even though they are committed Christians. What’s missing? Why hasn’t the transformation been greater or lasted longer?

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